Hinduism in Real Life

We encourage one and all to attend this 4-week course! Dilip Mathur has taught the wisdom of Vedanta in the Boston Chinmaya Center for 13 years, and is a frequent speaker and workshop leader on practical wisdom and happiness.

The values of Vedanta and its practices have guided seekers to live lives of meaning and joy throughout the ages.

In today’s real world, with the sharp rise in the power of technology, new social norms like interfaith marriage, and existential challenges like climate change, the teachings are resoundingly relevant.

This conversational course is conducted over four Satsang sessions on consecutive Saturday’s starting January 23rd.

Each 1-hour session will cover a unique track.

Yoga of the Mind. Secrets of discovering our true identity of high potential.
Satsang. The treasure of establishing a personal group of wise and loving fellow seekers.
Yagna: Secrets of turning work into play, and achieving high personal true worth.
Sadhana: The sweet rewards of integrating Hindu practice into personal life and routine.

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Password: aWpr1L